Nobody Minds If Men Go Shirtless On A Beach, So Why Can't We?

"I still don't think we're there 100 percent. I mean, guy rappers grab their crotch all fucking day and have hoes around them, but no one talks about it. But if I grab my crotch and I have hot model bitches around me, I'm degrading women? I'm a woman -- I should be able to have girls around me! But I'm part of the evolution of that. I hope," - Miley Cyrus 

Post-feminists, celebrities, good will ambassadors all fight for equal rights for women across the globe but, are they being taken seriously and if so, will they benefit our generation? 

Recently there has been a recent rise in women displaying their private bits to the world to promote feminism however don't you think there could be more done by celebrities to make this issue more global? 

On the August 1st, a friend and I went to Brighton Pride where we danced until 8 o'clock (due to my friend unfortunately having work the next morning), met new people and drank until we couldn't walk but what was more interesting was the amount of women baring their breasts (covered in a variety of different colours of glitter) and not caring who see's them. 

Miley Cyrus is a celebrity who has taken charge of the herd of feminist's in the world and has named herself one of the world's biggest feminists in the daily telegraph. Cyrus, who was once a innocent Disney child star previously starring in her hit show 'Hannah Montanna' is now a controversial, unstoppable young adult who doesn't take no for an answer. When she isn't either touring or creating music in the stuido she is either snapping naked pictures, displaying her hairy armpits on instagram or giving her opinion about double standards in the world today. I understand that she's taking a stand but, I don't see how her actions pushes the equality movement forward instead of kind of looking stupid? How are her actions bettering my generation? Instead, it is making young girls run around with their breasts hanging out (because queen Miley said so) and letting old men glare at them. Ugh! 

Another celebrity who is raising awareness is Good will ambassador Emma Watson however she is taking a completely different turn. The 25-year-old actress is addressing the problems within society and asking young men to sign up to her 'HeForShe' petition on their website and help make this movement become worldwide. The difference between the two is that people would actually listen to Emma as she has clothes on! See Miley, it isn't about stripping, but about speaking about the issue at hand and making sense while doing that. Even though I do think Emma's way is more effective, is it enough? I don't feel as though the public need a celebrity taking control of this movement, I think they need someone who can relate to them and be able speak with them about things that happen in their day to day lives, and of course understand. 

Rapper Azealia Banks tweeted "I find that non-coloured feminists cloud the feminist sphere with shit like free the nipple and hairy armpits" and I agree as most of them which are shown by the media are white.

Is this enough? Is showing displaying your breasts enough to tell the world that you (feminists) are trying to make a change in the world and if not, what are you going to do to encourage more men to take a stand with you and demand equal rights (and even though I love Emma Watson, please don't hire another celebrity for a political endorsement deal). Lets make this into something amazing as I am all for it! 


  1. Jess Connolly- Black17 August 2015 at 04:23

    Wow, what an amazing issue you bring to light. Very well put across Lawrence! Love to see more
