Opinion Piece - Why Can't I Look Like That Person? A Slight Glance At Our Need To Compare

"Enjoy what you have, every little detail of who you are. Don't focus on where you aren't"

Tumblr girls, long legged Victoria Secret models and muscular Hollister employee's are everybody's 'Goals' in 2015, but why do we always have to compare ourselves to other people? We all do it, (trust me, I do it all of the time) but can we break out of this depressing cycle?

I constantly have this discussion with my friends about looking at someone, analyzing every part of their body and just wishing that I could just obtain those gifts God has given them, but sadly it isn't that easy. As I was getting on the tube to go home from a long day of work experience, I noticed this attractive male tourist standing not far from where I was, and I thought to myself "God damn he's good looking". I mean, he had the typical male model look going, thick brunette hair, tanned skin, deep blue eyes like the Caribbean sea, I mean it is obvious that God took his time creating him. 

     "Where has this comparison come from? Why do I feel the need                      to compare the beauty of others to myself?"

Supermodels  like Cara Delevigne and David Gandy are represented to be the idyllic person that women and men should strive to become. I believe that society has done this to raise the bar and to tell the population "If you don't tick all these boxes, you're not good enough!" it's totally unrealistic. Not only that, but the media also has a massive part to play in all of this. The level of unattainable beauty is appalling and almost crushing. Why are they segregating humans from one another? I understand that everybody has their own choice but the media are well aware of the power they have over individuals. 

Ashley Graham is an example of a plus size model who is breaking the norm and showing the rest of the world that being curvy is beautiful and should be represented more in the media to encourage other curvy women to embrace themselves. This is a real women.   


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